to the world's first real online Long Term Investment Program (LTIP) - a unique opportunity for serious minds. Online Capital is a Vienna (Austria) based financial organization. We provide an important value-added service by using means of syndication, securitization and various treasury vehicles. As an industry leader we provide a tax free income haven, which is fully confidential.
Our start up phase has just finished. We warmly thank all of you who have been supporting us during this time. We are happy to announce that we are still giving away a $25 bonus. However, in order to regulate the financial intentions of our clients, we have set the minimum deposit to $30. We hope that this condition will further contribute to the creation of a privately based financial institution. Sign up now and have a truly safe Online Capital!
Online Capital was founded in 2001 when a group of professional bankers and traders with over 15 years of combined experience united personal skills and ambitions for collective FOREX trading and mutual success. Until recently Online Capital has been working mostly offline on the Central European market. Currently the company operates as a private pool where funds are diversified and invested in FOREX and arbitrage trading.
Investment Pools (scheme)
With over 2 trillion US Dollars daily volume FOREX is surely the most exciting markets for trading. Yet, it is very complicated. Time shows that only experienced traders are able to sufficiently benefit from trading. Their skilled-based strategies and excellent sense and knowledge of the industry are crucial factors. We provide solutions for individuals who lack time and/or will to enter the rapidly changing FOREX market. Moreover, our flexible investment program allows individuals to benefit from a much smaller initial investment as opposed to a $100,000 «start-up» in FOREX.
Arbitrage Trading has been mistakingly accounted for some sort of gambling, which it surely isn't. Gambling involves risk, whereas Arbitrage Trading takes advantage of bookmakers with different views to guarantee a positive result. It is meant to generate a risk-free profit on the outcome of an event. Being a real gem out of sight in the world of financial opportunities, Arbitrage Trading provides truly unique possibilities for success as opposed to more volatile FOREX and Stock markets.
One of our strongest advantages over competitors is that Online Capital provides the utmost flexibility and insurance in investing funds. Having 2 investment pools allows us to maintain a constant high interest rate for our clients. We can always benefit from Arbitrage in the rare case when the FOREX market is not friendly with us.
Originally Online Capital planned to maintain the status of a closed privately managed group. For several years our main slogan was: «We make money not for you, but together with you!». Today Online Capital enters the worldwide market as an open investment group with completely new conception: «You need no money to start your online capital!» That's right. We give our clients a chance to start their own investment programs without any initial deposit. Only professional with a 100% belief in their success would make such an offer. We move the exchange rates! That's why our success is not a celebration, it's something we take for granted.
There are two major departments in Online Capital. Corporate headquarters are located in the southern part of Vienna (Austria) in Wienerberg Business Park. Our Support Team consists of more than 40 professionals located in various parts of the world. We strive to constantly improve our performance by being instantly responsive to the needs of our clients, sharing our success with them and learning from our experienceConvenient
Online Capital has established firm relationships with Major European and Offshore Banks - you can transfer funds from your Brisbane or Royal Bank of Canada account to our Curacao, Nevis, Liechtenstein or any bank of your choice upon our agreement anytime, without any restrictions or red flags. Please note that we do not accept deposits over $100M unless proof of funds is presentedYou are welcome to open your account with Online Capital anytime - $25 is yours already!
MY COMMENT: Recent joined.